Ready to embrace the UN SDGs?

Have your clients started to pose questions to you regarding your firm's alignment with and commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals? If not, then you still have time to prepare for when they do. And they will. You may even consider being proactive in reaching out to your clients to propose collaboration opportunities to work toward achieving the UNSDGs by 2030. Doing so would be a differentiator for you and your firm...and is a great way to deepen client relationships.
Most firms are already engaging in their communities, through volunteering or philanthropy, working with a number of organizations doing very good work. But are we measuring these efforts, and more importantly, the impact of those investments? Are we aligning efforts around certain themes or focus areas for greater impact, or would our efforts be better described as "random acts of kindness?" Does your firm talk about your CSR efforts in a holistic, comprehensive and compelling way, or are your "good works" siloed into specific, isolated efforts - such as Diversity & Inclusion &/or ProBono programs - and "never the twain shall meet?"
Recognizing your CSR efforts more holistically, and perhaps even using the UN SDGs as a common framework to focus your efforts, is a great way to understand the breadth and depth of all your firm is doing - thus allowing the celebration of the greater whole.
I will be addressing how firms can start down this path in future blog posts. Stay tuned!