Buying Legal Council: Social Impact and Sustainability
As co-chair of Buying Legal Council's Working Group for Social Impact and Sustainability, I was thrilled to moderate and participate in these discussions on how businesses should be addressing their role in societal issues. The participant lists were extensive and featured the following brilliant minds:
Adam Roy Gordon, SDG Advocate and Engagement Director for the United Nations Global Compact's U.S. Network
Carol Kazmer Liffman, Founder and Principal, Liffman Advisory
Arnaud Brohe, CEO of CO2logic Inc. and author of The Handbook of Carbon Accounting
Kelly Hotchkiss, Swiss Re
Tom Harvey, Lloyds Banking Group
Timothy Wilkins, Freshfields
Oliver Dudok van Heel, Freshfields
Nathan Darling, Beveridge & Diamond
Gayatri Joshi, Law Firm Sustainability Network
We chatted about all things CSR, including:
What actions those in the legal industry should be taking to focus on social impact and sustainability
What clients expect from their law firms in terms of societal impact
How to encourage your firm to take action
Actions that firms can take to have the greatest impact
The American Legal Industry Sustainability Standard (ALISS) assessment
Click here to watch the discussions.
If you would like to become a member of this Working Group, please visit Buying Legal Council's website and email for more information.
Do you know where your firm stands in regards to social impact and sustainability?